Ministry Stories

Friendship in Action
Ministry Stories · 02. July 2024
God is teaching my children in this ministry, too. My boys are learning lessons together that they will carry with them for a lifetime.

God's Creation
Ministry Stories · 14. July 2023
The Baptist Children's Home has had the pleasure of housing many generations of children and also animals provided by our amazing community. This opportunity has allowed us to teach our kids many beautiful values and accumulate memories that build their core for a lifetime.

May Flowers for Mom
Ministry Stories · 03. May 2023
May flowers tell us Spring is on the way, but those beautiful flowers also help us honor the women in our lives. We celebrate the women of NMBCH, who daily give of themselves to share Christ with the children on campus.

A Church Shares the Love of Christ
Ministry Stories · 02. May 2023
Spring Break. All too often, we think of loose-cannon, partying teens and young adults, running wild in various areas around the world, far away from home, when we think of "Spring Break." But, the NM Baptist Children's Home teens and kids experienced a much different kind of Spring Break.

Class of 2023
Ministry Stories · 02. May 2023
We are celebrating our 2023 Senior! Join us as we celebrate, encourage, and look forward to what is next for Damian.